E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers
Vol. 14 Nr 4 (54) 2023
Low Power Fan Drive System
This paper presents the design of a drive system for a low-power fan. This system consists of a brushless DC motor (BLDC) and now-voltage inverter. The rotor of the motor is built of four offset layers, inside which permanent magnets are placed. This design minimizes the cogging torque of the machine and guarantees trouble-free operation (no possibility of magnets breaking off). A low-voltage inverter provides motor speed control over a wide range and limits the motors starting current. The paper explains the algorithm of sensorless control reducing the price of the drive (no position sensors and their wiring), compares the legacy motor with the new motor and shows a significant reduction in power consumption of the new drive.
electric drive, BLDC motor, sensorless control
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