Peer review

The reviewers assess the articles in compliance with the guidelines from the The Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The list of the reviewers is continuously available on the website of our journal.

The following rules shall be observed while reviewing:

1. The author(s) of the publication and the reviewers are not aware of their identities (double-blind review process); in other cases the reviewer signs the declaration of no conflict of interest, whereby the conflict of interest refers to any direct personal relationships between the reviewer and the author (especially kinship to the second degree, matrimony), professional subordination relations or direct scholarly cooperation within the two years preceding that of the review.
2. The written review shall include the reviewer's unambiguous conclusion as to the conditions of accepting the scientific article for publication or rejecting it.
3. The criteria for accepting or rejecting the publication are published together with the Review Form at our website,
see Tab: Editorial page.
4. The name of particular reviewers shall not be revealed

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