E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers


Vol. 3, Nr 1 (7) 2012

Publ. 30.03.2012

Concrete-embedded and soil-embedded foundation earth electrodes

s. 21-45 DOI:


The paper presents the erection of several foundation earth electrode constructions. Under normal circumstances bare metal electrodes embedded in concrete with large contact area with the soil used to be sufficient. The case is completely different if the foundation concrete is isolated from the soil by use of special waterproof or thermal insulation. In this case the earth electrodes shall be laid in the soil below or around and close to the foundation. The factors which affect the resistance of an earth electrode and its bonding effectare discussed. Possible corrosion problems for other earthed installations outside foundation as well as their prevention are signalled.


Protection against electric shock, protective bonding connections, foundation earth electrodes, damp-proof, waterproofingand thermal-insulated foundations.



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