E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers
Vol. 6, Nr 1 (19) 2015
POWERS AND COMPENSATION IN SYSTEMS WITH NONSINUSOIDAL VOLTAGES AND CURRENTS Part 8. Powers and Reactive Compensation at Asymmetrical Supply Voltage
Three-phase loads are sometimes supplied with asymmetrical voltage, however, the present state of electrical engineering
does not allow for describing them with a power equation, meaning with a relationship between all powers. It can be done only
at the assumption that the supply voltage is symmetrical. It makes impossible of designing reactive compensators for the reactive power
and the unbalanced power compensation for the load balancing. The development of the power equation of loads with asymmetrical
supply voltage and fundamentals of reactive compensation of such loads is the subject of this paper.
Power definitions, unbalanced loads, reactive compensators, Currents Physical Components, CPC
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Zakłócenia, Nr. 6, pp. 51–57, www.epism-aez.pl .