E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers


Vol. 5, Nr 4 (18) 2014

Publ. 31.12.2014

Multi-phase Cage Induction Motors – Advantages and Disadvantages

s. 42 – 56 DOI: 10.17274/AEZ.2014.18.04


This paper describes advantages and disadvantages of induction motors with multi-phase windings. A comparison of possible developments of the air-gap flux density distribution using 3phase and multi-phase windings has been carried out. Moreover the possibility to shape performance characteristics of multi-phase induction motors has been shown. Multi-phase machines possess several advantages over conventional three-phase motors such as: reducing the amplitude and increasing the frequency of torque ripple , reducing the current per phase without increasing the voltage per phase, increasing efficiency, reliability and power within the same frame.


induction motor, multi-phase winding, efficiency, electrical machine



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