E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers
Vol. 5, Nr 4 (18) 2014
Influence of Current Transformers Errors on Operation of Differential Protection
Differential protections of the transformers utilize current transformers. The advantages of that system are obvious, but at the same time, there are numerous problems resulting from changes in technical specifications of that modern current transformers. It is pointed to the decisive role of the current transformer errors in the correct operation of transformer differential protection. Standard recommendations to the technical performance of current transformers are discussed. A very careful selection of the type of current transformer for the differential protection is required.
transformer differential protections, current transformers, current transformer selection
[1] A. Wiszniewski, Przekładniki w elektroenergetyce, WNT Warszawa 1982.
[2] Poradnik inżyniera elektryka, tom 3, WNT Warszawa 2011
[3] Polska Norma; PN-EN 60041-1 − maj 2000 r.
[4] Polska Norma; PN-EN 60041-6 − maj 2000 r.
[5] Zmiana do Polskiej Normy; PN-EN 60041-1:2000/A1 − październik 2003 r.
[6] Addition to IEC 185: Current Transformers, New protective current transformer classes PR and PX, 1995-05-19.
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