E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers


Vol. 15, nr 3 (57) 2024

Publ. 4.01.2025

Is the California-Style Energy Crisis of the 1990s imminent? EU Energy Markets and Renewable Energy Sources

Tomasz Sienko, Jerzy Szczepanik

s. 10-26 DOI: 10.17274/AEZ.2024.57.01


Interactions between increasing the penetration of the Power System by renewable energy sources and the mechanism of shaping energy prices (day-ahead market) create many surprised consequences. The article analyzes the reasons for the long-term persistence around zero prices on the day-ahead market in southwestern Europe. This is important since at the same time this area of Europe generated electricity from a similar energy mix, as the target one for the EU.


renewable energy, electricity markets, variation of electricity prices



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