E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers


Vol. 14, nr 1 (51) 2023

Publ. 18.09.2023

Model matematyczny silnika skokowego

Sebastian ROZOWICZ, dr hab. inż. Zbigniew GORYCA, dr hab. inż. Antoni ROZOWICZ

s. 46-52 DOI: 10.17274/AEZ.2023.51.02


The use of step-motor drives is required where it is necessary to precisely determine the position of the device component performing the movement. The modeling of any stepping motor consists of the equilibrium equations of voltages and the equilibrium equation of moments. Based on the proposed mathematical model of a stepping mo-tor, a simulation model can be built, which can provide a lot of information about the operation of the drive before it is built. The following work shows a mathematical model of a stepping motor taking into account the equilibrium equations of mechanical and electrical equilibrium. Thermal phenomena were not considered in this model


mathematical model , stepping motor, drive, permanent magnets, simulations



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