E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers
vol. 11, nr 2 (40) 2020
Discussion of Preventing Machine Unexpected Start-ups
The principles and methods of reducing risk due to hazards arising from unexpected start-ups have been discussed in the paper. The basic safety requirements for the machines compel the designer to consider problems related to unexpected start-ups. Since this is a multi-component issue and the components are much diversified (the origins of risk may be numerous), the problem is often not viewed comprehensively (in its entirety). This may result in omitting some important aspects of the problem. It is the author’s intention to draw the reader’s attention to the importance and non-intuitiveness of this issue. A series of standards harmonized with machine directive and designs of manufacturers of safety-related devices and elements have been demonstrated in the discussion.
directive on machinery, prevention of unexpected start-up, safety control system, performance level
[1] DYREKTYWA 2006/42/WE PARLAMENTU EUROPEJSKIEGO I RADY z dnia 17 maja 2006 r. w sprawie maszyn, zmieniająca dyrektywę 95/16/WE (przekształcenie) (Tekst mający znaczenie dla EOG) (Dz.U. L 157 z 9.6.2006, str. 24).
[2] Norma PN-EN ISO 14118: 2018-05 Bezpieczeństwo maszyn – Zapobieganie nieoczekiwanemu uruchomieniu.
[3] Norma PN-EN ISO 13849-1: 2016-02 Bezpieczeństwo maszyn – Elementy systemów sterowania związane z bezpieczeństwem – Część 1: Ogólne zasady projektowania.
[4] Norma PN-EN 61800-5-2: 2017-07 Elektryczne układy napędowe mocy o regulowanej prędkości – Część 5-2: Wymagania dotyczące bezpieczeństwa – Funkcjonalne.
[5] Materiały katalogowe firm: SICK, DANFOSS, SIEMENS.