E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers


Vol. 8, nr 3 (29) 2017

Publ. 30.09.2017

Powers and Compensation in Systems with Nonsinusoidal Voltages and Currents Part 11. Critical comments to the Standard DIN 40100. Alleged effect of energy oscillation on the power factor and critical verification of a physical meaning of the reactive power

s. 6-15 DOI: 10.17274/AEZ.2017.29.01


In discussions on power properties of electrical circuits recurrent point of view is expressed that the energy loss is caused by the energy oscillation. The spread of this opinion is instigated by Standard DIN 40100, which introduced the concept of the instantaneous power p(t) decomposition on an input instantaneous power pv (t) (positive) and a returning instantaneous power pr (t) (negative). The paper demonstrates that there is no clear relation between the power factor and the energy loss at its delivery on the input and the returning instantaneous powers pv (t) and pr (t). Moreover, it is shown in the paper that the energy oscillation between the supply source and the load has no effects on the power factor. It was shown as well that there is no physical phenomenon in electrical circuits that requires the concept of the reactive power, which means that the reactive power is not a physical quantity.


power factor, oscillation



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