E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers


vol. 12, nr 2 (44) 2021

Publ. 30.06.2021

Power Losses and Efficiency in Transformers

Tadeusz GLINKA

s. 68-73 DOI: 10.17274/AEZ.2021.44.04


Energy efficiency of transformers has been defined in the paper. The continuous progress noted in technology of electrical steel used for transformer laminations results in decreased lossiness and increase of flux density saturation in the core. Therefore, conditions are established for decreasing core weight and, to a lesser degree, decreasing winding weight as well. The examples of idle and load power losses have been provided for distribution transformers manufactured in 1960s and for those manufactured now. The European Commission [8] and European Standards have ruled that further decrease in power losses and increase in efficiency of newly-installed transformers must come into effect by 1st July, 2021


power transformers, power losses, efficiency, transformer standards



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