E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers


Vol. 4, Nr 4 (14) 2013

Publ. 31.12.2013

Creating the conditions for the safe and reliable operation of electronic equipment and systems requires the basic information about pulsed electromagnetic exposure in different places of signal circuits. This problem is particularly important in the case of signal lines which are on the premises of HV power station. Current and voltage surges are particularly dangerous for digital control and signaling systems. While designing protection systems against this type of risk, basic information about the levels of induced voltages in the signal transmission lines and the potential differences occurring within the station is required. Additionally the information about the levels of surge resistance of devices signal inputs are very important.. Keywordsovervoltage arresters, electromagnetic pulse, HV power station, current and voltage surges

s. 46-55 DOI:


Creating the conditions for the safe and reliable operation of electronic equipment and systems requires the basic information about pulsed electromagnetic exposure in different places of signal circuits. This problem is particularly important in the case of signal lines which are on the premises of HV power station. Current and voltage surges are particularly dangerous for digital control and signaling systems. While designing protection systems against this type of risk, basic information about the levels of induced voltages in the signal transmission lines and the potential differences occurring within the station is required. Additionally the information about the levels of surge resistance of devices signal inputs are very important.


overvoltage arresters, electromagnetic pulse, HV power station, current and voltage surges



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