E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers
Vol. 2, Nr 2 (4) 2011
Shielding and Protection of Equipment- Requirements and Tests
The article discusses the problem of testing the effectiveness of shielding equipment. A review of standards and normative documents concerning radiated electromagnetic limits disturbances and their measurement methodology was conducted. The requirements for shielding attenuation structures (NO-06-A501, NO-06-A201, IEEE 299) in the context of reducing electromagnetic radiated disturbances, as well as protection against access to classified information were described.
shielding, protection, disturbances, electromagnetic environment
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[3] Dymarkowski K., Obrochta W., Namiotko R.: Technika obniżania emisyjności pola
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[4] STANAG 4557 EM SHIELDIG: Methods Of Standard Attenuation Measurements for Naval Enclosures.
[5] NO-06-A501 Kompatybilność elektromagnetyczna – Metody badania tłumienności obiektów ekranujących.
[6] NO-06-A201 Kompatybilność elektromagnetyczna – Wymagania na tłumienność obiektów ekranujących.
[7] IEEE 299 Standard Method for Measuring the Effectiveness of Electromagnetic of Shielding Enclosures.
[8] EN 61000-4-21 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-21: Testing and measurement techniques – Reverberation chamber test methods.
[9] PN-CISPR 16-2 Kompatybilność elektromagnetyczna, Wymagania dotyczące urządzeń i metod pomiarów zaburzeń radioelektrycznych i odporności na zaburzenia radioelektryczne.
[10] IEC 61000-5-2 Installation & mitigation guidelines.