E-journal for electrical and electronic engineers


Vol. 2, Nr 2 (4) 2011

Publ. 08.05.2011

Protection of inverter-fed motors

s. 6-25 DOI:


Protection rules of converter-fed motors are presented with the use of the example of an inverter-fed three-phase induction motor. The motor and its cable are subjected to extreme voltage and current stresses, which requires appropriate remedial measures. Probable internal faults in converter and usual built-in protection means are explained. Measures important due to the electromagnetic compatibility and protection against electric shock are also described.


motor circuit protection, specifics of supply by inverter, ind frequency converter, protection of converter circuits, EMC, protection against electric shock



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Dane bibliograficzne
Musiał E.: Zabezpieczanie silników zasilanych z przekształtników. W: [Materiały]
Konferencja „Automatyka , pomiary , zakł ócenia ”